We simply ask you to respond in obedience to the Lord’s Divine direction in your giving and fill out a card in the near future and bring it back and place it in the offering box.
As the Body of Christ grows, we would greatly benefit from needed space in order to expand the various groups studying God’s Word together. In the hallway is a drawing of a fellowship hall, kitchen, education space, and youth building all rolled up in one. We are simply asking you to take a commitment card home and pray over it.
We have seed money in our account and based upon recent discussions on building requirements and costs, we have a conservative goal of approximately $200,00-250,000.
We simply ask you to respond in obedience to the Lord’s Divine direction in your giving and fill out a card in the near future and bring it back and place it in the offering box. Only our Treasurer, Stewardship Team and the Lord will be aware of your commitment.
The formal kick-off was during Homecoming 2024 on April 14, 2024. There will be a commitment Sunday held in August/September.